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Clinical Services

Do you find yourself worrying excessively or avoiding people, certain places, or situations because they cause you undue stress?  You may be suffering from an anxiety disorder. Although you may not have an underlying disorder sometimes overwhelming stress from work, school, emotional trauma, relationship conflicts, illness, or other significant life events can cause considerable distress. I can help you with learning new ways to cope so that you are able to function more effectively and begin enjoying all aspects of your life again. For some clients it may be helpful to explore the issues underlying their anxiety using supportive psychodynamic therapy. I will work with you to develop strategies that are relevant to your unique situation.


Depression is experienced in many different forms.  Emotional symptoms  may be the first thing noticed--persistent sadness, low self esteem, feeling worthless, and/or irritability and anger.  For others physical symptoms are present such as fatigue, changes in appetite or sleep patterns, and even physical pain. Individuals who are depressed may also experience behavioral changes which might include withdrawal from family and friends, difficulty carrying out daily activities connected to work, family or school, difficulty concentrating, or self harm behaviors.  Although experiencing one or two of these symptoms may not represent a serious concern, if you are experiencing several, talking with a therapist can be helpful.  I will help you to recognize negative patterns of thinking and develop new and more adaptive ways to perceive and process your emotions and behaviors. This can lead you to a happier and more meaningful life.

Eating Disorders
Eating Disorders

You may be struggling with a problematic relationship with food, a poor body image, or perhaps meet criteria for Anorexia, Bulimia, or Binge Eating Disorder. No matter the level of difficulty I can help. I use a supportive integrative approach including cognitive behavioral interventions to help you identify your problems and find ways to improve your relationship with food and your body.  For some individuals a psychodynamic approach is helpful for exploring the underlying causes of the struggle as well as addressing symptoms.  I  collaborate with dieticians, physicians, or psychiatrists when necessary to provide a holistic and integrated team approach to your recovery.   I also provide counseling to family members or partners who are providing support to a loved one who is struggling with an eating disorder.

Grief /Loss

Grief is a normal reaction to a serious loss.  Recovering from the loss of a loved one differs dramatically from person to person depending on their life situation,  beliefs, or relationship to the person they have lost.  Symptoms associated with grief can vary greatly from person to person and may include: intense sadness, crying, difficulty sleeping or difficulty getting out of bed, loss of appetite, anxiety, feeling detached from others, isolation, and an inability to carry on with day to day activities. When providing counseling to those who are struggling with the loss of a loved one I will guide them through the process of grief and its resolution with insight, compassion, and support.

General Therapy Services
General Therapy Services

In addition to the specialized services identified above, I  offer individually tailored treatment for all clients using a blend of theories and interventions.  These services are available to adults of all ages and older teens for the following issues:

  • Stress and anxiety

  • Low self esteem

  • Work, school, or career concerns

  • Emerging adulthood

  • Relationship issues

  • Identity exploration

  • Adjustment to life transitions

Virtual Therapy
Virtual Therapy

Virtual therapy sessions are provided though a secure, confidential HIPAA-compliant video conferencing platform. Many clients find teletherapy is more accessible as they needn't take time from a busy day to travel to sessions. I am able to provide teletherapy services to clients throughout New York State.You can use your computer, ipad, or phone to participate and you won't need to download any software or subscribe to any service to participate. You will receive am email message with a secure link prior to each appointment time that connects you to the video platform. When your session begins, we can talk as you normally would similar to an in-person session.


At this time I am not offering in-person sessions; all therapy sessions will be virtual through video conferencing.

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